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     The majority of Christians today are unaware of the nature of evil spirits (demons) and many would prefer that they were never mentioned.  The result is that multitudes live in needless torment.


     Deliverance is defined as "a rescue from bondage or danger".  The Lord's Prayer says, "deliver us from evil."  If it is written that there is evil, then we need to be delivered from it.  Deliverance is cleaning out your individual and ancestral sin and generational blood line curses which may have gained a foothold in your life and identifying the potential entry points where evil gained that foothold.  There are major "door openers" -  ways the enemy may gain a foothold in our lives:




Ancestral Curses and lineage holds




Willful sin


     You can be set free and then you must stay free!  Through a deliverance session you will have deliverance ministers walk you through the process of getting free and then teaching you how to stay free!    To set up a deliverance session"Click Here and request an appointment.  To get the Deliverance questionnaire that needs to be filled out, click on the document icon.



"Whom the Son sets free is FREE indeed."      John 8:36



"The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."                                                                       John 10:10

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